About Penang "Pearl of the Orient"
Penang - one of Southeast Asia's finest destinations. Penang's beaches and exotic sights have made it one of the most popular destinations in the region.
Wat Chayamangkalaram Temple: This Buddhist temple of Thai architecture houses a magnificent gold-plated reclining Buddha that is said to be the third largest in the world. The niches behind the statue house urns containing the ashes of devotees.
Kek Lok Si : Kek Lok Si is reputedly the largest Buddhist temple complex in South-East Asia.
St George's Church, the oldest Anglican Church in Southeast Asia (1816). Built with convict labor in 1818.
Snake Temple - The "Pure Cloud Temple", popularly known as snake temple, and this is dedicated to the memory of a Buddhist priest who was a renowned healer in his time.
Fort Cornwallis: This fort was built on the site of Francis Light's historic landing in 1786. According to a local believe, couples who want to have a baby boy should touch the right side of this cannon, while couples wishing for a girl should touch the left.
Penang Hill was the first hill station built at the turn of the 19th century by the British Empire in the colonies.