Name: Jithu
Name: Jithin Menon
4.5 Years
Dad: Jyotheesh Sreedharan; Manager -
Endress & Hauser
Mom: Sreeja Jyotheesh
Jithish Menon(Lulu -2.5 Years old) &
Menon (1 month old)
Name analysis result: The name of
JITHIN gives you a very idealistic nature.
Your desire for peace and harmony causes
you to withdraw from situations where
there is friction and acrimony. You are
quite reserved and inclined to feel
sensitive and self-conscious, even though
you strive to appear poised and confident.
Being rather secretive in many ways, and
not liking people to pry into your
affairs restrict opportunities for
friendship; not until you feel you can
trust others do you open up to them. The
desire to help others and the generous
side of your nature attract those who
take advantage of you. You lack the
necessary aggressiveness for business
success. While you lack verbal expression
and spontaneity under this name, you have
a natural literary ability and writing
comes easily to you. You also have a deep
appreciation of nature and all the finer
things in life. Weaknesses in the health
arising from the use of this name affect
the respiratory organs, and the nervous
I am a Tiger (according to Chinese
astrological studies) : Magnetic and self-possessed,
Tigers are born leaders. They have an air
of authority that prompts others to fall
in line, which is exactly how they like
it. Although they are magnetically
charming and fun to be around, Tigers
like to go it alone sometimes too. A
Tiger's main interest is in following its
ambitions -- and maintaining control. A
lesson that Tigers would be well-served
to learn is "moderation in all
things." Once these cats can find
their center and direct their
considerable energies toward worthwhile
endeavors (as opposed to racing through
life), they will accomplish much.
The Sagittarian's story : The chief
characteristic of the fully developed
Sagittarian is an extraordinary power of
mental activity. They bring reason to
bear upon every phenomenon that comes
under observation. They find themselves
getting to the bottom of things in
general, facing the facts of life, and
reducing its problems to their simplest
terms. Their curiosity is often
insatiable; mental energy never flags.
They interest themselves intensely - and
often succeeds in interesting others - in
the relation of cause to effect and
effect to cause. The Sagittarian comes
readily into touch with others, takes an
eager interest in their welfare,
especially in their education.
Coming up soon - My pre-school stories ;-)~
Any comments ?! Write to my Oppol !!***